The initial meeting with my mentor went extremely well, I was very excited to hear that she was in the process of re-branding her company and had areas that I could really help  and her in. She also made sure she was clear on what it was that I was looking to gain from my mentorship experience. I let her know that I to am in the re-branding process of my business and that I was eager to learn how to effectively manage several ventures under one entity and still have time for self and family. We agreed that I would do a couple of shadowing experiences so that I could get the full effect of her day to day. I am doing a lot of behind the scenes reorganizing to help the operations run smoothly.

The first shadowing experience was when I joined my mentor at a meeting she had set up with Cleveland Urban League, it was an amazing experience I was present for some very privileged information that not only was of use to NuLife but for me and my business as well. My mentor was very open and welcoming and introduced me to a lot of people that can help me out in my business. We stayed and talked and she gave me some very insightful information for my re-branding and I was able to help her with some PR issues she was having with a competitor. It was a really good meeting and right on time.