At our lunch meeting my mentor and I discussed some of the projects  I did for the company she was very happy with the work I have done and she asked for my input on how to run a program she plans to implement over the summer, she and I were able to brainstorm and come up with a great way to run the program. The meeting also allowed me time to ask her about how she managed her employees and how she was able to find a balance so that they knew she cared but they still respected her as a boss. She told me that she has always run her business as a corporation and that includes how she works with her employees; they are trained and know what is expected from them at all times, they have performance reviews and they receive incentives such as bonuses. She told me that there are many challenges that arise but the key is to keep your integrity in everything you do. Sometimes the best decision is not easy but you have to think about the big picture. She told me that she often gives people more chances than she should and I laughed because I told her sometimes I don't give people enough chances. We also discussed how hard it is to obtain a balance between work and personal life and how not everyone can understand that when you are on a mission you do not have time for the things that you once had time for. I told her how I have learned how she is constantly thinking of ways to make getting fit fun and interesting, she is always trying to keep her clients motivated by offering challenges and incentives for them to push themselves to the next level. As we stood in line waiting for our food we discussed the signage and how she needs to get large display posters for her facilities. When you own your own business you are constantly thinking of ways to improve your business it becomes second nature to think about going to the next level you just have to remember to enjoy the present moments also.

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